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4C Summer Camp Classes

1C – Critical Thinking ------ This program comprehensively covers all high school academic subjects, including 9th-11th grade’s major A-G requirements: natural science, social science, American literature, and math. Elite instructors from top schools will teach these special topics in interesting ways, completely in English. The classes will abandon rote memorization but will instead use discussion-oriented lectures to nurture students’ “critical thinking” skills. This will prepare students in advance for American high school courses to secure “A’s” in their new academic year’s GPA’s, which will be a flash of “brilliance” on their future college applications.

2C – Competitiveness ------ This course covers specialized testing guidance in preparation for the SAT, ACT, and AP standardized exams. The most authoritative teacher, with 10 years of teaching experience in standardized testing, will share the most effective test-taking tactics. It is not impossible to “finish dealing with” these standardized exams in the span of one summer. As all the top schools gradually make these exams a “test option,” for Asian students who are good at exam testing, these scores will still be our strongest aspect of our competitiveness. In addition, those “summer campers” with excellent capabilities can also even take college courses offering credits (4 credits) in advance. These courses have been specially offered to our summer camp by the University of California.

3C – Compassion ------ “There is light in my eyes, and love in my heart” has always been top schools’, as well as global society’s, expectation towards outstanding adolescents. We will sympathize with social issues with the mindset of “if had happened to oneself.” Our program plan will focus on constructing a better community as our theme activity. We will invite California Assembly Member to share his experience in supporting and counseling the “water conservation” project spearheaded by Californian youths. We have also contacted volunteer activists to recommend and guide students to participate in multiple community service projects (some portions can be carried out online). At the same that students are improving the community, they will also be developing leadership skills. Let’s start accumulating volunteer experience in our resumes for college applications starting from this particular summer. 

4C – Career Exploration ------ Various reasons cause our adolescents to be unclear about their interests and career inclinations. If students had the chance to conduct test drives by putting themselves in the shoes of successful college graduates and career professionals, it may be a splendid opportunity to explore their interests. Once a week, we will hold a series of seminars introducing top schools and their majors of study, as well as listen to outstanding professionals’ career speeches. These will be students’ opportunities explore their possibilities in this summer camp. It won’t be too distressing to choose schools and majors of study in the future.

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